This was a powerful segment. I was riveted and awed by Emma's courage, and I cannot wait to meet her at the upcoming Genspect conference. I've met many parents of adult sons who, after having married and had children, decide they are women. The fallout cannot be overstated. The children are so young for the most part. What does this do to them? Emma lays it out so skillfully. To understand the roots of this, I believe we have to return to the Greek Myth. The Greeks were waaaay ahead of their time: From https://www.greekmythology.com/Myths/Mortals/Narcissus/narcissus.html#google_vignette

Narcissus captured the hearts of many, yet he met each admirer with nothing but disdain and contempt. This unyielding pride in his appearance set the stage for his tragic fate.

From his earliest days, Narcissus was distinguished by his extraordinary beauty. His charm was such that it drew the attention and affection of both mortals and nymphs. However, his heart remained cold and unyielding to their advances, a trait that foreshadowed his eventual downfall.

Source: https://www.greekmythology.com/Myths/Mortals/Narcissus/narcissus.html

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I agree, the myth of Narcissus is extremely relevant these days.

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