I have a 19 yr old RODG boy. I felt I could be telling this story. It resonated with me a lot. Our son has not medicalized. Which I feel is a big win. He implies that he would like to. But hadn’t done so for whatever reason. I feel longer he waits, the more likely a desistance The tide seems to be turning, things seem to be changing for the better. I just wish it would be a little faster.

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I thought the same, but my son is now 23 and we are back at the start. Be careful. Get him into a therapist that does not affirm, if possible.

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This was helpful and validating for me. Note that I have an ROGD daughter and many things still apply. Thank you.

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I reached out to Sasha years ago. I have an autistic son with OCD, depression and anxiety tendencies. He rapidly told me he was trans as a 17 year old, held off from hormones for many years and now after graduation from college has just shut me out of his life and is now on hormones. It's like I am talking to two different people when I speak to him, kind Shawn and unkind Shawn. I am now cut out. What can one do at this point? I focus on my healthy 21 year old daughter but it's like my son died. I am a doting mom, a gay mom and a Physician Assistant. I'm married to a beautiful, kind woman. Lydia, what would you recommend now that he is with an affirming therapist on hormones and no one treats his underlying mental health issues? This kid is all boy, not effeminate as a young kid, never very effeminate. I feel like I've lost him. It's scary as hell and I cry for my loss every day.

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Excellent, super-helpful podcast. Thank you, Stella, Sasha, and "Lydia" (who's absolutely right about there being "just one boy")

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