I have a 19 yr old RODG boy. I felt I could be telling this story. It resonated with me a lot. Our son has not medicalized. Which I feel is a big win. He implies that he would like to. But hadn’t done so for whatever reason. I feel longer he waits, the more likely a desistance The tide seems to be turning, things seem to be changing for the better. I just wish it would be a little faster.
I have a 19 yr old RODG boy. I felt I could be telling this story. It resonated with me a lot. Our son has not medicalized. Which I feel is a big win. He implies that he would like to. But hadn’t done so for whatever reason. I feel longer he waits, the more likely a desistance The tide seems to be turning, things seem to be changing for the better. I just wish it would be a little faster.
This was helpful and validating for me. Note that I have an ROGD daughter and many things still apply. Thank you.
Excellent, super-helpful podcast. Thank you, Stella, Sasha, and "Lydia" (who's absolutely right about there being "just one boy")