
Detransitioned After Three Decades as a Trans Man, with Jessi

Gender: A Wider Lens

Sasha and I welcome Jessi, a 69-year-old detransitioned butch lesbian, who shares her extraordinary life story.

Jessi’s journey challenges misconceptions about detransitioners, confronting the common assumption that they are predominantly young people who transitioned in adolescence.

Instead, her experiences shine a light on older individuals who made these life-altering decisions in vastly different cultural and social contexts. Her life as a gay rights advocate, shaped by threats and hardships, reveals the complexities behind her decision to transition during a time when living openly as a gender non-conforming lesbian carried significant risks.

This episode offers a compelling exploration of the varied paths of detransitioners, and provides a thoughtful reflection on the broader social and psychological complexities of navigating life outside traditional gender norms.